
INSPIRATION: What's Yours?

Inspiration... One of the most powerful forces in this world, sometimes the main catalyst for why we succeed, achieve our goals, reach for the stars and such. However, much like this guy, we all acquire inspiration so differently, get touched and moved in such a way that we have faith in ourselves to accomplish even the impossible. So, now I address the age-old question: What inspires you?

The one thing I've learned to appreciate when being inspired by something, is that it can be absolutely anything; people (alive or deceased), a work of art (drawings, music, etc.), a quote, or even one simple word. "Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition" -Abraham Lincoln

Overall, I'd have to say nature, music and art alike all inspire me the most. To make this more relevant, within the realm of art lies one of my favorite subcategories: makeup.When I put makeup and inspiration together, one brand sticks out above all; my all-time fa
vorite line... MUFE (MAKEUP FOREVER)

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